Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cheerio Martin Schaedel

Its hard to believe - it sunk in - then it didn't sink in. Its almost like its a bad joke that Martin is playing, except given all the information thats coming out of LA County and Santa Monica -its unfortunately true.

My friend, and colleague for the last few years, Martin Schaedel died in a horrific plane crash at Santa Monica airport yesterday.
I'd spoken to Martin yesterday afternoon - he was pumped about going flying again. He'd taken a lesson on Tuesday and given his sinuses a workout when they pulled 2.5G - so was looking forward to going up in an old military 2 seater.

Martin liked to do things differently - he wasnt content to sit on the couch and waste his life away. If he was on the couch it was with either or both of his beloved laptops constantly wired in, networking away - his favorite pastime.

His tall tails were legendary - but what was more remarkable was that some of them were true. The photo is from an after-event party in Miami, after the Victoria's Secret show. I refused to believe Martin was there, unless he produced proof.

He knew a tremendous number of people - and could strike up a conversation with just about anyone in record time.

Farewell Martin....I'll try and ski 'properly' this weekend...just for you

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